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Class projects completed for my master's degree. Click on an image to download and view the full document. All the images here were my creations for each of the projects. Please distribute these documents only to those with a need to review my work.

Instructional Design Project

Final project for an Advanced Instructional Design class.
A performance improvement assignment incorporating Cause, Learner, and Organizational analyses, as well as rapid prototyping and personas to help a fictitious RV company improve their hitch sales.

Needs assessment  project. A team project using a range of assessment tools to help solve a performance problem at a local library employing one of the team members.

Motivational Strategy

Motivational Strategy Design Assistant. Created for a Foundations of Adult Learning class to show understanding of a learning theory. I chose Dr. John Keller's ARCS Model, creating a heuristic interactive PDF document  in which an instructor can better determine which motivational tools are working for their classroom or online training. Was fortunate enough to have Dr. Keller review and approve it!


Autoethnography of a Novice Instructional Designer. Written for Organizational Ethnography Class. Details my experience as an Instructional Designer in a new role and organization.

Evaluation Project

Hearing Conservation Program  Evaluation.
A formal program evaluation using a weighting system and several evaluative tools.

Metacognition Schemata idea. Written as a requirement for a foundational class about adult learning theory. Asks the question: "Could the structure of metacognition follow the same pattern as Gagne's Five Domains of Learning?"

ISPI Case Study. As one of a team of four, we solved a performance improvement problem for a growing fictitious company by recommending several strategies for possible use by concerned company executives. Our team won First Place in the competition sponsored by ISPI and Boise State University.

Final portfolio for my oral defense, outlining three key projects completed over the course of the master's degree.
A higher level look at what I learned overall. This portfolio was critiqued by a group of peers before serving as a touchpoint for a lengthy phone conversation between myself and two faculty members - a defense - of the projects outlined.

© 2022 Images, text and layout - Alan Camerer

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